Study: Big Players To Dominate VoIP

Major ISPs (define) are poised to dominate the market for Voice over IP (define) services over the next three years and could grab up to 30 percent of the residential voice market, a new study says.

But VoIP offerings still suffer from inferior sound quality and reliability, according to a research report issued by Mercer Management Consulting.

Mercer surveyed 1,000 consumers in the U.S. and the U.K. in order to gauge their perceptions about VoIP.

The consulting firm said it expects established ISPs to double their anticipated market share over what it called current low quality VoIP offerings over the next three years and grab up to 30 percent of the residential voice market.

But the full potential of the VoIP market won’t fully be captured unless the services
change the way the offering is currently marketed.

This article was first published on, a JupiterWeb site. To read the entire article, click here.