Cloud Reliability, Security, Performance Still a Concern

CEOs and CFOs are concerned with moving business-critical applications into virtual or cloud environments due to challenges including reliability, security, availability and performance. This according to Symantec Corp.’s cloud survey, 2011 Virtualization and Evolution to the Cloud Survey, which examined how organizations plan to move business-critical initiatives to virtual and hybrid cloud computing environments. The…

The Top 10 Security Questions Your CEO Should Ask

According to the latest Global State of Information Security Survey conducted by PwC, 35 percent of respondents said they do not have an overall security strategy in place. Before companies were focused on securing the walls around their networks, the goal now is to protect valuable data wherever it resides. Since more and more CISOs…

CIO = Career is Over? Not Hardly.

For some, the role of CIO is the career peak; for others it’s just an outcropping on the side of the mountain. Career advancement for the one is a matter of holding and defending the position. For the other, it’s about anchoring a cam in the next crack of opportunity and muscling past icy obstacles….

CEO Vision Awards 2010 Nominations Now Open

Great leaders are hard to come by so we’d like to recognize the best of the best in this year’s CEO Vision Awards. Do you know of a CEO that goes above and beyond; leading by example in a way that brings out the best in others and promotes their business and brand in novel…

4 CIO Resume Builders to Get Ahead

Moving from the CIO’s seat to the top of the C-Suite is no small feat. It’s not a venture won by thrust and feint maneuvers but by cleverly presented tales of fiat accompli on your resume. And it isn’t your mastery of technologies that will win the day it’s how well you play with others….

Assessing Your Software Vendor’s Survivability

The CIO’s job is not an easy one: equal parts IT innovation salesman; global project manager knitting together the wares of multiple suppliers into a coherent, reliable and cost-effective technology strategy; and prognosticator on the success or failure of major vendors in an industry where repeated waves of change regularly swamp unwary incumbents. Just consider…

Are You Actively Managing for Agility?

A colleague recently attended a concert at the new 80,000-seat Croke Park football arena in Dublin, Ireland. As she learned, the sparkling state-of-the-art stadium was built in a residential area with little available parking, and accessibility mainly by public transportation. In fact, during the event, the neighborhood was closed for blocks in all directions, allowing…