IT Systems Do Not Equal IT Value

Many people in IT are confused about the term “IT service”. IT services are comprised of IT systems, and neither the IT system nor its components are of direct value to the consumer. Rather, it is the performance made possible by the IT system that produces a given value for the consumer and that value…

The Social Web: Yesterday’s Technology Mavericks Take Note

A recent Gatner poll, Social Media Cannot Deliver Business Value If Employees Are Denied Access asked 1400 CIO’s whether or not they blocked access to the social web (generic term for social media and social networking.) The results are familiar and shocking at the same time. Over half (54%) say that social web is totally…

Customer Satisfaction Isn’t Service Quality

We all make satisfaction vs. quality decisions every day. I can go to a restaurant and get a quick meal that won’t be very tasty, but it’s fast, cheap and good enough for now. If you catch me as I leave the restaurant and ask me if I am satisfied with my encounter I will…

Why You Need BSM Now

A quick review of the 2009 crop of surveys shows that most U.S. companies spend between two percent and nine percent of their annual revenues on IT-related expenditures; making IT a huge investment. Companies are also demanding more than just cost effectiveness, they want competitive advantage from their IT investments. Unfortunately, however, some 45% of…