Finding the Missing Link between IT and the Enterprise

Given the current economic environment, IT professionals need to look beyond the historical boundaries of what their responsibilities are and be more oriented to what is truly of interest to their customers. If the current thinking in your organization has applications, infrastructure, storage and other technology components as key elements for interacting with your customers,…

A Better Metric for Analyzing the Value of the Cloud

While you may be reading and hearing about positive financial and the economic analyses regarding the benefits of Cloud computing, those analyses are based on unrealistic total cost of ownership (TCO), return on investment (ROI) and misinterpreted CapEx/OpEx calculations. Indeed, these calculations are missing a complete understanding for the value of the Cloud in the…

BI Tools: Figuring Out What to Measure

Metrics are great. We all know that we should be measuring things and generating reports with pretty charts right? There are numerous books on the topic of metrics for IT, tools that can generate reports with graphs and so on. The problem is that once all of that work is done and the reports are…