Seven Ways to Undermine Employee Productivity

By Samuel Greengard Over the last decade, every aspect of business and IT has become more demanding. Here are seven of the most common ways CIOs fall short in handling career development for managers and others: Overwork everyone.Today’s always-on 24x7x365 workplace heapsenormous demandson IT departments. In addition, keeping up with a blitz of projects and…

IT Employees Less Happy, Working Less Hard

The recession caused plenty of disruption in the overall U.S. workforce and the IT ranks were not an exception. According to a new survey by the Corporate Executive Board, the percentage of IT employees making “high discretionary effort” plummeted in the first half of 2009 to 4.6%, part of a longer-term downward spiral affecting the…

Employee Engagement is Not Enough

The topic of employee engagement is getting more attention today as leaders look toward 2010 and start to think about how to grow their businesses while simultaneously motivating and retaining high performing employees. The popularity and ease of using survey tools has led many firms to jump-start this effort using traditional employee survey data. This…

Team Building in Troubled Times

When business conditions are tough, you need your employees to unite to develop strategies that give your firm a competitive edge. Yet if people are anxious about their job security, they are more likely to adopt an independent, preservation mind-set. It can take extra time and effort to overcome this roadblock with your staff and…

5 Great Ways To Make Sure Your Staff Hates Your Meeting

Meetingitis: Having so many meetings that you can’t get your work done. –The Urban dictionary It’s no secret, the information age is about meetings. Meetings to plan next week’s activities, meetings to review last week’s activities, meetings to review the previous meeting and plan the next one. It is unending! Meetings have a real cost,…

New Initiatives Spending Versus Keeping the Lights On

With the economy slowing, IT managers are going to have to make do with less money than they thought come 2008. While this is not new news to many, to counter this trends adverse effects, it is important to look at and track two numbers: new initiatives spending and spending for ongoing support (i.e., keeping…

Good CIOs Lead By Following

A 2006 study claims that 97% of IT workers say they experience job-related stress on a daily basis. Some 80% say they feel stressed before they even get to work, and around 25% admit to taking time off to deal with the stress. These numbers place IT as the most stressful profession -– beating out…