Texting More Effective in a Disaster

In nearly every case, texting on mobile phones works even when voice calls are impossible. It stands to reason then that texting could and should play a major role in your disaster recovery (DR) planning. “The very first responders usually are average citizens, who happen to be on the scene of where a disaster is…

This is Your Brain …

I know it’s beensaid many times in one form or another and it probably started right after Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400s and then again when radio hit the scene and definitely TV but it’s still going on today and getting worse. What am I talking about?: too much information from too…

Bye-Bye Landlines, Voice Communication?

Two separate reports paint quite a picture of how the way Americans communicate has changed — with dramatic implications for how business communications will be done in the future, as well. One quarter of U.S. homes have given up their landlines and use only a cell phone, according to a new survey conducted by the…