Special Report – Don’t Solve It, Skip It

It soon became clear to Ed that if he and all his current employees would be able to communicate and collaborate more effectively, they would not only not have to hire a lot of new people to service all their clients, but they might actually be able to trim and consolidate their staff a bit….

Special Report – Don’t Solve It, Skip It

While many emerging countries have a problem of no infrastructure, America’s problem is the opposite: it has tons of infrastructure. Generators like the Allis-Chalmers behemoths are gigantic, inefficient, costly to run, costly to maintain, and gradually breaking down. The problem is, they still work. So what do we do, dismantle them all? It’s the same…

Special Report – Don’t Solve It, Skip It

In most organizations, the CIO and IT department are mired in problems, from network security to thin budgets to keeping up with fast technological changes. No matter what type of problems face your department right now, I want you to do a quick problem-solving exercise. Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself: In…

Why and When to Invest in a CMDB System

Out of the 11 vendors I spoke to, five had a SaaS/cloud offering and several more plan to. CMDB’s are enablers and some vendors lean more strongly to one than the other. Many vendors link the CMDB to a service desk offering explicitly, but not all do. Some are more operationally or performance management centric….

Why and When to Invest in a CMDB System

The CMDB tidal wave may seemed to have peaked about two or three years ago and left a trail of ruin and devastation in its wake. However, like many technology trends, the CMDB built up a lot of hype, then confusion, then disillusion. Missed in all of this, however, is the fundamental fact that a…

Special Report – IBM 2011 CIO Study Unenlightening

Anxious to read IBM’s 2011 biannual CIO study The Essential CIO? If you are, I can save you a lot time. At 72 pages, I found the report a slog overall. Although there’s lots of white space and diagrams that make the read a bit easier, the first 85% of the report was a trudge,…

Special Report – IBM 2011 CIO Study Unenlightening

The Meat IBM did serve up some meat with their marketing sizzle, however. In the last section, “Excelling in your mandate,” I was finally rewarded for my slog through obviousville. Beginning on page 63, IBM delivers. They challenge CIOs to lead. And not just lead IT, but lead the business. Hurray for IBM! While I…

Sourcing: Keep it Simple and Standard

In a traditional global IT enterprise, different business units, geographic regions, and functional entities each do things their own way. Service providers, meanwhile, have generally accommodated these specialized requirements. After all, the customer is always right, right?. This mindset is changing as business organizations gradually accept the proposition that a great majority of their IT…

Special Report – Technology Fueled Transformation is Just Getting Underway

For many people, change is difficult and transformation even more so. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, “change” means “to make something different,” while “transform” means “to make a thorough or dramatic change.” It is a difference of degree, I admit, but that degree is so extreme that it becomes a qualitative difference. Changing…