Making the Case for Information Governance

In my last column, IT’s Time for Information Governance, I provided an introduction to the concept of information governance (IG) and why it is an urgent and relevant concept for CIOs. As promised, in this column, I am going to start to sketch out the case for IG. This is critical, because success in IG…

Making the Case for Information Governance

Without an IG program, organizations are at risk of breaking the law. Certain external events, such as litigation or a regulatory investigations, also create special legal requirements for the management of information. In these situations, even information that could normally be thrown away has to be preserved and properly managed. Failure to do so opens…

The Top 10 Reasons to Scorn iPad and Buy Honeycomb

Call it heresy if you must but now may be the ideal time to hold off buying iPads for enterprise deployment and, instead, bring in tablets running Google’s Honeycomb, the 3.0 Android OS specifically crafted to power tablets. Outside of saying anything bad about Apple, the heresy part is that — as Apple recently noted…

Egypt, Offshoring and the Cloud

All eyes have been on Egypt for weeks now yet few saw it as the beginning of the end of offshore outsourcing as we know it. “Had India unplugged the Internet, companies worldwide would be hard at work reconfiguring their offshoring strategy,” said Barry Carter, a CIO for 10 years at AirTran, Capital One, UnitedHealth…

Top 10 Smartphone Security Tips

When it comes to security issues, smartphone users are a bit delusional in believing the phone is safer than the PC. “If you can access data on your smartphone, so too can hackers,” warned Martin Hack, EVP of NCP engineering. What can thieves get from your phone? Access to your mobile banking site complete with…

Top 10 Smartphone Security Tips

8 more security tips just for IT Okay, so you thought there were just 10 but Khoi Nguyen, group product manager of Mobile Security at Symantec, said IT pros should, at bare minimum, do the following eight more to secure the enterprise from threats coming in via smartphones: 1. Education is essential. Educating employees is…

Critical Design Elements for the Cloud

By now you have heard the hype about providing services in the cloud. You cannot ignore it — the cloud is everywhere and organizations are gathering in conference rooms to determine how they can take advantage of the shift from traditional to utility service delivery. One of the key questions relating to the cloud is…

Critical Design Elements for the Cloud

Transition planning A second consideration for success involves planning the process and procedures for transitioning the services to operations, especially if cloud computing is an option. Solid technology solutions are a key differentiator in the marketplace, and generally, IT organizations are masters of technology. However, the right technology design is not enough. Planning also how…

Critical Design Elements for the Cloud

Monitoring and management in the cloud Critical to success in providing services in the cloud, is the ability to design how the services will be managed. The ability to monitor the service’s performance is essential. Too often, management and monitoring solutions are developed after the services are operational. However, high-performing organizations define the monitoring requirements…

It Always Comes Down to People

Before you can link your infrastructure together, you’re going to have to break through some silos. This third article in our series suggests some diplomatic ways to break down the walls. While the technology exists today to implement a fully converged infrastructure that integrates servers, storage, networks and management into a single, flexible, and adaptable…