How the 3Cs are Redefining the CIO

In the past, life for a CIO was hard work but not an impossible undertaking. Today, however, things are getting more and more difficult faster and faster. But, for those who love a challenge, the CIO is the best seat in the house. The main challenges CIOs face can be summed up with the 3Cs:…

The 8 Truths of Quality

Quality practices (e.g., quality management, quality assurance, quality control, quality improvement) apply to a broad range of topics and tasks, and this broad scope has created some dangerous myths about applying quality principles and practices. Here are a few misconceptions that should be cleared up to avoid the cost of poor quality: 1. Quality is…

Special Report – Finding Certainty in the Midst of Change

Wouldn’t it be great if you could predict the future? If you could solve tomorrow’s problems… before they happen? If you could have what I call a “flash foresight” — a sudden burst of insight about the future that produces a new and radically different way of doing something by opening up invisible opportunities and…

The Nonprofit Evolution of the Cloud

The nonprofit sector is in a bit of a technology evolution/revolution. As the industry looks to reduce costs, increase efficiency and engage with constituents that are living lifestyles that embrace mobile, digital and social technologies as never before. It is here that the benefits and options that cloud computing brings to the table are clear….

How to Nurture Creativity and Innovation in the Work Place

America has led the world in technology innovation for almost two centuries. While Europe kick-started the industrial revolution, America took it into high gear: Mississippi steamboats, giant steam shovels, the telephone, the assembly line, the light bulb, typewriter, sewing machine and so more came out of the USA. That trend continued in the 20th Century…

Curing the Caveman Mentality

I’m sure that the “finger pointing” blame-game approach for determining responsibility dates back well into prehistoric times. Battles between Harry B. Barbarian and Charlie Q. Savage were likely fought because neither would accept blame for a poorly tied rope or poisoned arrows that did not kill the prey quickly enough. It is not hard envisioning…

Motivating IT Pros — Without Using Money

Money is the easiest and least personal way to motivate people — that is, if you have money. If you don’t have money, you need to get down to the real business of making people actually care about what they are working on. Money is not a lasting motivator The one thing that differentiates money…