CSC’s IT-Business Predictions for 2012

by Lem Lasher of CSC With 2012 now in full swing, it’s already looking to be an exciting year for enterprise IT. As consumer products evolve at the speed of light, the technological line between personal and work continues to blend, and the role of the IT professional continues to evolve. Now more than ever,…

Moving Beyond IT Service Management: ESM and ITIL v3

Successful businesses require both the effective management of information and the efficient delivery of technology. IT has played a key role in this effort beginning as a support function to finance and administration, then evolving to an enabler of workflow change, and now serving as the nervous system of the enterprise. As we enter a…

Improve Your Leadership by Leading

As the title says, you have to get out of the office and put boots on the ground if you want to be an effective leader. While I am a big believer in remote collaboration tools (e.g., audio, video and web conferences and the trusty telephone), you just cannot beat getting out and being face-to-face…

The CIO’s Job ? Protecting What Matters

IT security is a core business concern. Malware, hackers, sabotage, natural disasters, terrorist actions or accidents could affect an unprotected enterprise at any time. Most CIOs are already implementing security measures such as firewalls, anti-virus and backup services, and conducting business-continuity and disaster-recovery planning. However, IT’s customers rarely have the same view on protection and…

Leadership in IT: It’s Not About Technology

Before considering any strategic moves, one must take a hard look at your company’s current state of affairs. Although we should continually be cognizant of current activities, it is important to truly step back, on occasion, and really assess the state of the organization. In doing these occasional assessments, I continue to find that the…

Saving 15% is Easy …

Alright, nothing is that easy, but the point is if you have a mandate from on-high to cut costs and consolidate IT into a centralized, shared-services organization with a solid reporting line back to the CEO’s office, well, then, things are definitely tilted in your favor. In April of 2008, it was just this situation…