Facilities, IT and Data Center Power

Organizations are under pressure to reduce their environmental impacts. One metric being scrutinized is the amount of Green House Gasses (GHGs) being released into the atmosphere. At first blush this would not seem relevant to data centers, but when you stop and look at their explosive growth, this focus becomes understandable. In 2006, an EPA…

Going Green in the Data Center

The term “Green IT” summons two flights of thought: greenback savings and back to green environmental impact. But make no mistake, the pecking order is clear: “This is about doing what is right for the business, and the benefit to the environment, that is an added bonus,” said Jody Cefola, chief marketing officer at IBM…

Green is the New Black

Black is the fashion industry’s never-fail color. For every other industry, green is the color that can’t lose—environmental green, that is. Once little more than window dressing for mollifying the environmental lobby, green has become big business. Despite the some governments’ resistance to environmental warnings, the business community and the public have caught green fever….

Make Green With Green

An effective national energy policy will be a greater challenge to the U.S. government and technology sector than some of the country’s most storied scientific achievements, venture capitalist John Doerr said Wednesday. As part of a day-long blitz of Capitol Hill offices, Doerr and other members of TechNet, a nationwide network of tech CEOs, introduced…

Energy Conservation the IT Way – Part I

Even though gas prices have fallen dramatically in the past few weeks, it seems almost a certainty—right up there with death and taxes—that this welcome trend will change. Although not tied as tightly to the price of crude, as oil prices change so do things like the costs of electricity, which companies use with abandon….