Does CRM Stand for ‘Customer Rejection Management’?

Every major organization has some form of customer call center. You may have renamed yours “contact center.” They are manned by staff that are trained, tooled-up with technology and incentivized to support customers. The center is critical because it drives long term sales and protects repeat revenue. It may even be considered a “profit center.”…

Top 10 Cloud Computing Caveats

Like the Buddhist mantras of old, IT vendors appear to be unified in their messaging — the incessant chant of the moment is: “Move to the cloud now.” So should CIOs be listening? Here are ten cloud caveats to consider before embarking upon the journey. 1. Define your terms – Recent IBM prime time ads…

Launching into the Cloud – A Vendor’s Perspective

Looking at the resignation letter on my desk, I don’t understand how we got it so wrong. He was our top salesman and was the most vocal about offering a cloud solution alongside our existing product. And now he’s joining our biggest competitor, who haven’t even considered the cloud. Why? Execution was clearly the issue….

The Rise of the Stealth Cloud

Shadow IT has worried CIOs for decades. The practice is often defended as a source of innovation and a faster-than-normal way for users to get their jobs done but this off the radar technology use by employees presents serious dangers to the corporation ranging from increased security threats to compliance issues. Dealing with the problem…