Going Cloud — From Base Lining to SLAs and Beyond

This is the third in our series on preparing your IT organization to “operationalize” cloud initiatives — in other words taking control of what may well have heretofore been fragmentary and at times counter-productive experiments. Following last months’ discussion (Getting Started With Cloud – Where Should you Begin?) of the overarching issues surrounding cloud adoptions…

From Strategic to Commodity – Managing the Transition

Technologies change constantly. When a technology becomes ubiquitous, i.e., it’s only noticed when it’s not there, it’s become a utility and probably a commodity. What happens when a technology moves from being a strategic direction to being a utility? How can you tell and how do you measure and manage it? A strategic technology is…

How to Manage Technology Investments Strategically

Corporate leaders commit enormous sums to technology investment and often, despite reams of “business cases”, on a hope and a prayer that this money will actually buy solutions to their problems. Investments in information technology are particularly mysterious, because it is so new and constantly changing. Nevertheless, it now accounts for half of all capital…