Special Report – IT’s Critical Partnership with Records Management

Businesses today function primarily with records in electronic form. The power of technology enables companies to become more competitive and to streamline business processes. Therefore, more and more of an organization’s records are electronic. Companies are more dependent than ever on the electronic records and information pulsing through their networks, wireless devices, data warehouses, transactional…

Special Report – CompTIA’s Five Industry Trends to Watch in 2010

While some macro-economic indicators have shown signs of improvement in recent months, some big unknowns still loom: unemployment, the impact of public sector debt, and a tight lending and credit market to name just a few. Perhaps, the biggest fear among IT executives is the possibility of a stalled recovery; specifically, an environment of weak…

Special Report – CompTIA’s Five Industry Trends to Watch in 2010

Web 2.0 and Beyond: New Options for Training the IT Workforce – The ever accelerating technology adoption curve places increasing importance on the need to continually update skills of the high-tech workforce. On-going training and education is not a luxury, but a necessity. But this need occurs at a time when the workforce is shrinking…

Are You Enabling an Agile Business?

Savvy companies are even using social networks and the general community to solve some of their most perplexing problems during product design and development. Others are using open forums, such as TechTarget’s Information Knowledge Exchange and the Linked In professional community to pose questions to peers to solve immediate tactical and operational problems. Employees often…

Are You Enabling an Agile Business?

Business leaders often use agility to describe their business plans and strategic initiatives, but it’s often little more than just a vision. Agility is something that requires planning and a full incorporation in business and management processes. It is philosophy and action. And most of all it requires courage and commitment. But what does “agility”…

2010’s Ten Hot Trends

4. Windows 7 is the last big OS launch. Even as I typed that sentence, I paused. Is Windows 7 a big OS launch? It sure doesn’t feel as big as XP or 2000 or even 95. Heck, even the much maligned Vista launch seemed bigger. Sure, Microsoft is marketing the bejesus out of it,…

2010’s Ten Hot Trends

7. Netbooks prove to be a fad. I’m not saying netbooks are a bad idea. To the contrary, they’re a perfect niche device. However, that’s what they are: a niche device, not a PC replacement. Yankee Group picks netbooks as a loser for 2010. Yankee is big on the “anywhere computing” idea, where everything from…

2010’s Ten Hot Trends

Instead, Valley Yellow Pages deployed the NComputing desktop virtualization solution. NComputing has a unique take on desktop virtualization. Rather than having a distinct and high-dollar desktop virtualization server and fairly robust end devices, NComputing takes the unused power of an existing, in-use PC and shares it among multiple users. Think of it as a public…

2010’s Ten Hot Trends

It’s prediction time again. Looking back on last year’s prediction column, the hits narrowly beat out the misses but they did beat the misses so we’re going to expand on last year’s efforts with five more predictions for 2010 (besides, as writers, we like the way the numbers line up in the headline!). A Look…